The Audio Universe and the Musical Worlds Barritz Voyages To and From (Featured Article with LA Weekly)

Check out my article in LA Weekly:

The Audio Universe and the Musical Worlds Barritz Voyages To and From

Learn about my introduction to music, some of my musical influences, my journey to collect a vast music listening catalog, and my love of attending live shows and concerts.

Remastering My Mind…

November 2nd… one day and 5 years after Mac Dre died got my mind fried with too many thoughts so some denied… and now just back from watching Michael Jackson’s “This Is It”… reminds me these talents are not here to share with us any longer, 2Pac… always thoughts of our true leader… Bob Marley… Jimi Hendrix… James Brown… Isaac Hayes… Barry White… there are others… Bruce Lee… I could keep going but why… they are here with us… influencing us still and ’tis our duty to keep their legacy and accomplishments in the forefront of our thoughts… it is there where they shine the brightest and shall be illuminating always…

It makes me remaster my mind to think in perfection as some did incessantly… it is not how fast the product is brought to market, it is not how much money it makes for you, but it is about one thing and one thing only… getting it right… making a product you are proud of… that is honest, true to its maker and expresses the willingness to make something of reputation and adored utility… the true customer will be the one who is there for the product, not because you told them to… because they need it… but you didn’t make it for anybody but yourself… you presented it when appropriate and complete… it is a gift from you to them… but always given to yourself first… the day you follow others is the day you lose yourself…


